3 Must Have International Travel Apps for Your Smartphone



  1. Google Translate: A lot of people don’t realize how seamlessly Translate can easily work with photos such as menus, instructions, signs, etc. I can’t comment on the drawbacks of using it with iDevices, as I don’t use Apple products. Some people complain that this free Google app has let them down when they really needed it, but let’s face it — what else are you going to use when you’re stuck somewhere without a translator?
  2. Sincerely Ink: I’ll admit to being a cheapo-type myself, so I like a free app and free usage of the app. However, 99 cents to send multiple photos using the Storyboarder app to your friends and loved ones is a lot cheaper than a traditional postcard sent internationally via letter mail — plus they get it right away!
  3. iEmergency: The video failed to offer a suggestion for Android users, but I’ve got you covered with this free app from Rescue Me. Rescue Me works great for most locales, however, I’d really recommend looking in the Play Store for country-specific apps before or after you land, and certainly before venturing out on your own in desolate areas.

Share your favorite travel apps in the comments, so everyone can benefit before their next big trip abroad.


Main Image Courtesy of Mobile Edge Laptop Cases