7 Vaccinations You Need to Travel Southeast Asia, Without Incurring Pain or Death Along the Way!

Planning some sunny, humid and beach filled travel through Southeastern Asia this year?

Check out this list of recommended shots (or “Jabs” as the Brits call them) in the following video. Check out my recap after the vid if you have a hard time keeping up with all the suggested vaccinations. I’ve included one of my own recommendations that these poor blokes forgot to mention.

Having traveled the entire Southern Asia route myself, this list is a pretty comprehensive one:

  1. Hepatitis-A
  2. Hepatitis-B
  3. Typhoid
  4. Malaria
  5. Japanese Encephalitis (1 in 3 who don’t get this vaccination die from the disease)
  6. Rabies (I never got one of these, but the video got me thinking twice about that past decision)

Bonus Vaccination Tip:

You’ll also want to get a Tetanus/Diphtheria shot too, before you go.

You can also head over to the CDC site for travelers and plug your country of choice into their search engine, to get the most current info: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel

If you have any advice about further “Jabs” that should be done, leave a comment down below.

Happy travels!