Annoying and Funny Situations That Frequently Happen When Flying

Though we may not laugh at some of these things at the time, they do make for great memories and stories to tell — in some, but not all cases!

Ha, ha, ha! If you didn’t laugh at Nadine’s “Turbulence in the toilet” skit, what’s wrong with you! That was pure movie-making comedy genius right there!

I’d like to get a little poll going in the comments to see what situation you find the most annoying or funny while flying.

Hey, we have to forgive the farting thing — sometimes you just gotta do it, right? But boisterous belching is right up there on my list — there’s just no need to liberate your stomach so loudly that even the bloody pilot can hear you!

Next would definitely be anyone messing around with my seat, especially those who can’t be bothered to offer a courtesy apology. It’s very disrespectful, but happens all the time on trains and planes.

Leave a comment telling everyone one or two things that irk you the most. Hey, maybe airing your grievance will help someone change their on-board etiquette for the better?

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