25 Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly Travel Destinations

I never really considered “walkability” as a consideration when planning my next vacay destination. However, after watching this video I’ll have to add it to my list of criteria. After all, how many of us really travel to a place just so we can drive everywhere or take the bus?


Here’s the list as it appeared in the video:


25. Madison, Wisconsin

24. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

23. Ann Arbor, Michigan

22. Chicago, Illinois

21. Washington, D.C.

20. Portland, Oregon

19. Edinburgh, Scotland

18. Austin, Texax

17. Melbourne, Australia

16. Miami, Florida

15. Montreal, Canada

14. Toront0, Canada

13. Boston, Massachusetts

12. Torrance, California

11. Vancouver, British Columbia

10. Munich, Germany

9. Honolulu, Hawaii

8. Seattle, Washington

7. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

6. Florence, Italy

5. Paris, France

4. Dubrovnik, Croatia

3. Cambridge, Massachusetts

2. San Francisco, California

1. New York City, New York

Any cities missing that you think deserve to be on the list? Leave a comment and let us know.

Suggestions from our readers:

Keep the comments rolling in please. I’ve been getting some great suggestions from you guys!

  • The Netherlands (apparently all cities in the country are very walkable (Thanks Phil and Jan!)
  • Cork, Ireland

Main Photo: “Platja de la Barceloneta” by Nathan Wind