Fly in the Lap of Luxury: The British Airways First Class Experience

From the moment you check in on the ground, throughout your entire flight, British Airways understands how to stand out above their competitors.

Just check this out:


The main photo image is how you’re treated prior to takeoff. A private kitchen/lounge where you can catch some zzz’s on a double-twin all to yourself. Fully stocked fridge, bar, WiFi access, TV’s, and an attendant always ready to make you as comfy as possible.

Then you hop on one of their Boeing or Concord jets and then dinner begins not long after: starter, main, dessert — then cheese and a snack with some vintage wine if you have room left! The menu on the flight shown in the video is massive, eh? No more pre-booking your choice of 3 available meals, 1 month in advance with first class!

After dinner, put on the pajamas provided and some slippers, feather pillows and warm blankets in your fully reclining, plush seat — or bed if you booked one of the rooms!

Man, gotta knock this experience off my bucket list soon! However, it’ll have to wait just a little bit — the flight in the video (Heathrow to Australia) is in the 8-grand range!

Have you ever flown BA’s First Class and if so, was it worth the cash?


Main image by Peter McCarthy